Guide to WooCommerce

A Detailed Guide to WooCommerce for Creating Your e-commerce Store

If you are having trouble with a WooCommerce business or are just getting started with your own online store, I have a present for you today. A comprehensive guide on WooCommerce, from installation to customizing the essential parameters, such as shipping, taxes, and emails.

I’ll show you how to add your first products to WooCommerce, as well as one of the most significant points: how to change the payment gateways.

I’ll also show you some of the greatest free themes for designing your online store, as well as a few plugins to help WooCommerce perform better. Continue reading if you’re interested.

WooCommerce Installation

First and foremost, you must install the free WooCommerce plugin, which you can do by following WooCommerce 5-minute installation steps.

Once you’ve installed it in WordPress, we’ll move on to correctly customize the WooCommerce settings.

Guide to woocommerce Installation

General settings should be configured

If you’ve previously completed the WooCommerce installation wizard, we’ll move on to set up some more particular options that WooCommerce does not enable you to change through the automatic wizard.

WooCommerce Products

Now let’s go into everything that has to do with products in WooCommerce:

Product categories and tags

Before you begin adding products, I propose that you configure the various categories and labels that you will use in your online store. This will save you a lot of time when adding products and will make the overall design much more organized.

Woocommerce Product categories and tags

Create a new WooCommerce product.

The moment has come to add your products to WooCommerce; if you’re still unsure how to do so, you can search for it online.

Product settings

You may have overlooked an option during the auto-install process of WooCommerce, or you may simply need to modify something about your WooCommerce products.

Set up WooCommerce taxes

Every business pays taxes, and your eCommerce is no exception. To properly arrange the tax adjustment in WooCommerce you need to have a look at their documentation.

setup woocommerce Tax

 Shipping Preferences

If your company sells to different geographical locations with varying shipping requirements, or if you simply want to add a free delivery method and don’t know how then you should look at some of the online resources available.

 Accounts and confidentiality

In order to avoid any legal issues, you must include a privacy policy on your website and make it clear to your users. You need to follow their documentation for WooCommerce account settings and privacy where they have shown you how to do that as well as how to properly set up your customer accounts.

 Personalize your emails

Emails are a fundamental tool for online store owners, luckily WooCommerce brings with it different systems that allow you to adjust them.

WooCommerce payment gateways

You already have properly configured the settings of your WooCommerce online store and you have added your first products, but for the customer to be able to pay for them you must adjust the payment gateways correctly.

Payment Gateway for woocommerce

 Which payment gateway should I use?

This will be the first question you ask yourself when setting up your online store with WooCommerce.

Most eCommerce sites use a virtual POS to accept payments online.

The most commonly used virtual POS is Redsys, so you must understand how to configure Redsys for WooCommerce.

There’s also the possibility that you’ll wish to use CECA as a virtual POS within WooCommerce. Don’t worry, I’ll walk you through the process step by step.

Now, leaving virtual POS aside, there are also other very interesting alternatives that a large number of online stores have incorporated into their collection processes. I’ll tell you how you can do it:

  • Integrate Bizum in WooCommerce
  • Configure Paypal for WooCommerce
  • Configure Stripe for WooCommerce
  • Make your online store unique.

Woocommerce Payment Gateway

The moment has come to design how our WooCommerce online store will look. For this, there are a variety of themes available, some paid and others free, that will allow you to make your store stand out.

You may also modify the appearance manually by going to your WordPress menu, clicking on the tab that shows on the left called “appearance,” and then clicking on the “widgets” sub-tab. From there, you can layout your entire store, albeit this needs more technical knowledge.

You can download other plugins if you like to use pre-defined themes.

Extra WooCommerce Features

Some woocommerce features


WooCommerce, like a physical business, allows you to create discount coupons. Not only that, but you can also make personalized ones, specify an expiration date, and much more.

Generate reports

WooCommerce allows you to generate various sorts of reports to better monitor your eCommerce; read their documentation to learn how to configure them and properly analyze the reports within WooCommerce.

 Shortcodes for WooCommerce

Being a plugin for WordPress, WooCommerce allows you to make open-source adjustments to change some of its features and functions, many of these codes come in brackets and we call them “shortcodes” and you might have already used them a few times if you have been using WordPress.

You can use short code for woocommerce

 Plugins for WooCommerce

Connect WooCommerce to Google Shopping

To position yourself and sell well on Google Shopping, your products must be highly competitive in pricing. If this is the case, go ahead and connect your online store to the Google store to be able to sell through more channels.

Integrate WooCommerce with Facebook Shop

Facebook currently has the option of establishing its own showcase through the program, which allows you to reach more people with about the same budget.